Takeaways from UST’s Webinar: “Stream On: Content Creation 2022”

Just this April 23rd of 2022, the University of Santo Tomas students from UST Thomasian Gaming Society Organization have organized an event titled “Stream On: Content Creation” to which the Founder of All Over Socials, Lucila Grace Bernardino, was invited as a Guest Speaker.

In the webinar, Lucila Grace discussed the reality of content creation and debunked the common notions as to what makes a content creator successful.

About Lucila

Before pursuing freelancing, Lucila Grace Bernardino was famously known as “7S Thirst” and has always been into content creation.

Together with her Discord Friends, she co-founded an Esports organization that they have built from scratch, to now garnering over 80M Views under their own hashtag, just on TikTok alone.

She has coached all their content creators and has hosted workshops for them on how to grow their presence via Social Media, primarily on TikTok.

In case you’ve missed the Webinar, we have listed below some of the key points she has discussed!

Here are some of the key points from the Webinar:

1. Consistency isn’t always the key

- The reason why many content creators, streamers, business owners flop is because they believe consistency is equal to success. IT’S NOT. Quality will always always always beat quantity. Do not focus on only posting or doing something “for the sake of consistency”. Always aim in working SMARTER.

2. Remove the “if only” mindset

- Nothing happens if you keep on focusing on who you are not and what you don’t have. You’ll only block yourself from reaching your fullest potential if you keep making excuses as to why you’re not “there” yet. Remove the “if only I were this”, “if only I have this” conversations. Instead, focus on your gameplan.

3. Invest in your branding and marketing

- Only pushing out contents for the “sake of it” won’t take you anywhere. Again, we’ll go back to number 1 — Quality over quantity always. For you to really stand out among the crowd, you have to do something that’ll make them recall your brand (and just pumping out “something” won’t really help you).

These are the 3 key lessons from the webinar but, we swear, there’s much more gem to it if you watch Lucila’s whole segment!

Watch her full segment replay here:

You can also listen to it here:

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Lucila, Founder of All Over Socials, talks about TikTok Optimization with over 200+ participants