UGC Marketing is now the TREND in Marketing

June 29, 2023 — Lucila Grace Bernardino, a Marketing Specialist and Founder of All Over Socials, spoke to HerWay Institute’s Paid Webinar: “Leveraging User-Generated Content to Boost Your Business”.

The Webinar focused on educating business owners in the beauty niche on how UGC Marketing has now become the trend in marketing and WHY every business owner should consider UGC Marketing for their business, especially if they’re in the business of beauty and e-commerce.

What is UGC?

Originally, UGC was defined as contents that were created by the consumers (ex. video reviews, stories, etc.)

However, with the evolution of terms, UGC has now transitioned into a much more advanced meaning where UGC Creators create contents that are seemingly-UGCs to make it appear more authentic and relatable for the audience.

How did UGC Marketing become a trend?

With the rise of TikTok, Influencers, and Social Media Era — Traditional Marketing has lost its spark already. This is very obvious as less and less people are using TV Cable.

Because of pandemic too, people started to be more glued on their phones which highly influenced their behavior as consumers.

People are already tired of being sold to

The era of celebrities, too-perfected and scripted TV commercials & ads are no longer the type of contents that people would like to consume. With the increasing number of businesses and the freedom that social media offers, people have now become way smarter and selective with the contents they want to consume.

People can now easily scroll over your contents unlike TV commercials that you have no other choice but to watch.

We are now in the era of creative and relatable marketing

And this is what exactly UGC offers — creativity and relatability to the audience.

Consumers now want to feel included. They want to be listened to and talked to as if they’re equals.

So if your contents sound too scripted, too formal, and too promotional-ly, then expect that consumers will just scroll over your social media posts for your business.

Like more marketing teas and updates?

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We also offer UGC Marketing as part of our services.

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