500+ Purchases in 2 WEEKS on TikTok Shop by running 3 Ad Campaigns for our Client

How did one of our clients get 500+ PURCHASES in less than 1 month from TikTok Ads alone?

Or did we?

Aside from getting sales organically through our TikTok posts, one of our clients got 500+ purchases from TikTok Ads alone. And the secret?

Strategic Ads + Amazing Creatives + Holistic TikTok Marketing Strategy ✨

…and of course, TRUST in the team.

But before you imagine that we did it by magic, let’s get in to the real details:

Our team actually took 3 months to build their audience on TikTok as they were a fresh startup.

We needed to create a routine, establish an image, and experiment on what works best to capture their target market (especially that their niche is saturated). Finally, after 3 months of hardwork and their trust to the team, we were able to finally conclude the type of creatives and marketing strategy that works best for their business — leading to 500+ purchases from their TikTok shop, on top of organic sales.

Lesson to Businessowners from this?

Marketing is NOT an overnight transformation to your business.

Although we’ve had businesses that we were able to boost in just a matter of 2 posts, at the end of the day, it still depends on

(1) if there’s a large enough audience for your niche,

(2) how saturated your niche is,

(3) where you are currently at right now in your business,

(4) how big your marketing budget is,

(5) your trust and cooperation with the team

(6) how irresistible your product/s or service/s are, etc.

At the end of the day,

As long as you’re with a trusted marketing agency that has a proven track record, you will still always end up with amazing results.

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From owning a tiny studio and doing marketing ALONE to now having the biggest studio in Olongapo, with tons of inquiries


How we got a Startup business go from LESS THAN 100 REACH to OVER 170K+ ORGANIC REACH